
Botanical Name : Cynodon dactylon Pers.

Family :  Gramineae; Poaceae      

Introduction :

Latin name: Cynodon = cyno = kyno = dog; dactylon = fingered. English name: Conch grass.

Scientific classification: Grasses make up the family Poaceae (formerly Gramineae). Citronella is distilled from grasses of the genusCymbopogon. Kentucky bluegrass is classified as Poa pratensis. Bent grasses are classified in the genus Agrostis. Fescue grasses are classified in the genus Festuca. Bermuda grass is classified as Cynodon dactylon.Zoysia grasses are classified in the genus Zoysia. Buffalo grass is classified as Buchloë dactyloïdes, carpet grass as Axonopus affinis,redtop as Agrostis gigantea, and annual bluegrass as Poa annua

Names in different Indian languages :

English : Bermuda Grass,Bahama Grass,Couch Grass,dhub grass

Hindi : Dub,durb

Kannada : Garika hallu,kudigarike

Malayalam : Karuka ,karukappullu

Sanskrit : Duurvaa

Tamil : Arukampillu,muyalpul

Telugu : Garicagaddi,gerike

Synonyms :

Duurvaa,niladuurvaa Bhaargavi, Shatvalli, Shatparvaa, Tiktaparvaa, Shatviryaa, Sahastravirya, Shitaa, Anantaa, Golomi.

Morphology :

There are three varieties

(1) white (described above) – this is used in medicine

(2) Blue- this spreads over a large area and is also called as ananta, sahasraveerya, lata etc. and

(3) Ganda durva (gandiri) – this grows near the edges of small ponds.

Distribution & Habitat :

Throughout India

Chemical constituents :

 ferulic, syringic, p-coumaric, vanillic, p-hydroxybenzoic,  O-hydroxyphenyl acetic acids, tricin

Properties :

Guna: laghu;

Rasa: madhur. kashaya, tikta;

Vipaka: madhur;

Virya: sheeta.

Dosha: tridoshashamak, especially kaphapittashamak

Karma : Vishaghna, kustaghna, kantughna, rakta prasadana, varnya

astringent, diuretic,antidiarrhoeal, anticatarrhal,  antiseptic

Indication :

Vrana,  kusta,  visha, visarpa, raktarujam, daham, mutrakrichra

epitaxis, haematuria, inflammed tumours, whitlows, cuts, wounds,  bleeding piles, cystitis, nephritis, scabies , skin diseases, menorrhagia,

Part used :

  Whole plant

Dosage :

Leaf juice 10-15 ml

Powder 2-4 g

Decoction 50-100 ml

Internal uses :

It acts as an astringent, wound heater and reduces burning in cuts and wounds. Its juice or paste is used.

It is also useful in conjunctivitis, burning sensation, diseases of the head caused by pitta, erysipelas. urticaria, pigment disorders and skin diseases. Internal uses: As it has a positive effect on the central nervous system, it is useful in epilepsy, schizophrenia and painful conditions. Since it is an astringent, it is useful in diarrhoea, vomiting, dysentery, haemoptysis, menorrhagia, syphilis, vaginal disorders, abortion etc. It acts as a hemostatic, uterine tonic and nourishes the foetus. It is an antidote to various poisons. All the parts of the plant are used in medicines.

Important Yogas  or  Formulations :

   Durvadi taila and  gritha

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