

Botanical Name : Bauhinia variegata Linn

                                Bauhinia purpurea

Family : Caesalpiniaceae

Introduction :

Kovidãra is the original name using for Kãñcanãra during the Vedic and Samhita periods. It show its action on lymphadenitis. Along with other therapeutic applications, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of  India indicated the use of the stem bark in lymphadenitis and goiter.

Names in different Indian languages :

English : Mountain Ebony,Buddhist Bauhinia

Hindi : Kancanar

Kannada : Kempumandara

Malayalam : Mandaram,chuvanna mandaram, malayakatti,konnu

Sanskrit : Kancanarah,kovidarah

Tamil : Singappu mandarai

Telugu: Devakancanamu

Marathi : Koral

Synonyms :

Gandãri, sonapuspaka ,Kaanchanaara, Kaanchanaaraka, Kanchanak, Kaanchana, Gandhaari, Sonapushpaka, Ashmantaka.

B. candida Roxb

Varieties & adulterants – (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants)  :

Note: The latin names kancanara given to, According to

Dhanvantarinighantu – B. purpurea

Rajanighantu- B. acuminata

Bhavaprakasam- B. variegate

Reference from Ayurvedic formulary of India kovidara – B. variegate

Reference from Indian Medicinal Plants  kancanara – B. tomentosa, sveta kancanara- B. racemosa


2. Karbudãra




6. yellow flowers – B. tomentosa.

7.B. variegate

8. olax scandens

 Morphology :

It is a medium sized erect and deciduous tree.

Bark- grey with longitudinal cracks, light-pink inside.

Wood- moderately hard, greyish-brown.

Leaves- unifoliolate, 2-lobed, rigidly subcoriaceous, deeply cordate.

Flowers- purple or variously coloured, sessile or borne in short penducled corymbs. Calxy-tube elongated; limb entire, spathaceous.

Fruits- pods, flat, hard, long, curved, compressed, dehiscent.

Seeds 10-15.

(Flowers in March and fruits in rainy season).

Distribution & Habitat :

In the sub-Himalayan tract from the Indus east wards; also in dry forests of central, Easterm and Southern India

Chemical constituents :

flavonoids, kaempferol,galactoside and kaempferol,rhamnoglucoside,hentriacontane, octacosanol ,stigmasterol,beta-sitosterol, lupeol and a flavanone glycoside

Properties :

Rasa- Kasãya

Guna- Rüksa, Laghu


Vipãka -Katu

Karma :  Kapha-pittahara, Grãhi, Dipana.

Buds—a decoction is given in piles (also used against tumours), haematuria, menorrhagia.

Dried buds are used in diarrhoea, dysentery, worm infestation, piles and tumours.

Root—carminative, used in dyspepsia and flatulence

Bark—astringent, anthelmintic; used externally in scrofula and skin diseases.

Seeds—possess human blood agglutinating activity.

Leaf— antifungal.

Indications :

Gandamãlã, Rakta pradara, Raktapitta Mutrakrcchra, Vrana, Arsas, Musürikã

Diarrhea,dysentery, leprosy, worms,wounds,ulcer,asthma,piles,menorrhadia, goiter

Part Used :

Stem bark, flowers

Dosage :

Powder 3-6 g;

decoction 50-100 ml;

flower juice 10-20 ml.

External Uses :

It helps in wound cleaning and healing – it cures skin disorders and inflammations. Decoction is used for washing wounds and skin disorders, The bark ground in a paste is useful in lymphadenitis. Decoction made from its bark, pods of babul (Acacia) tree and flowers of pomegranate is used for gargles in oral disorders. Decoction is used for fomentation in rectal prolapse.

Internal Uses :

Digestive system : It has astringent , it causes vomiting in excess dose. Being sweet flowers are mild laxative. Astringent properly is useful in diarrhea, dysentery, rectal prolapse, haemorrhoids and helminthiasis. It enhances emetic action when used in conjunction with emetic drugs.

Circulatory system : It acts as haemostatic and reduces the inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis). It is effective in hemorrhoid disorders.

Respiratory system : Used in cough

Urinary system : Controls diabetes.

Reproductive system : it acts as a haemostatic be astringent property

Skin : Used in skin diseases Mixture of kanchanara bark, rice water, and ginger is effective in osteoporosis

Srotogamitva :

Dosa : Kaphaghna, pittaghna.

Dhatu : Rakta, meda , menorrhagia, haemorrhagic disorders.

Mala : Purisha – Atisagham

Important Yogas  or  Formulations :

Kanchanara guggul, Kanchanaradi kwath, Kanchan gudika, kashaya          

Therapeutic Uses :

(1) Gandamãlã- Fresh bark of Kãñcanãra is grinded with

sunthi and Kãnjika and used internally (V. M.).

(2) Masürikã- Svarnamãkika bhasma is given with decoction of Kãncanãra bark (B. P.)


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