
Botanical Name : Putranjiva roxburghii Wall

Family : Euphoriaceae

Introduction :

Latin name : Putranjiva = name of the plant, roxburghii= from Roxburgh – scientist’s name.

Rosaries of hard stones are used for protecting children from infections. Due to this misleading nomenclature, the “conception-promoting” property has been attributed to the drug in folk medicine.

Names in different Indian languages :

English : Child-life tree, Indian Amulet Plant, Spurious Wild Olive

Hindi : Jivputrak, jiyapota

Kannada : Aman, putranjiva

Malayalam : Putranjivi, puttilanji, ponkalam

Sanskrit : Putranjivah

Tamil : Karuvilai, kattuppacceri maram

Telugu : Putranjivika, kuduru

Folk : Jiyaapotaa

Synonyms :

Putranjiva, Putrajivaka, Putrajiva, Yashtipushpa, Arthsaadhana

Drypetes roxburghii  (Wall.) Hurusawa.

Morphology :

A medium sized tree, grows 8-12 m height

Leaves – simple, alternate, elliptic –oblong

Flowers- unisexual, axillary

Fruit – drupe

Distribution & Habitat :

Throughout India

Chemical constituents :

Isopropyl, 3-butyl isothiocyanates, glucoputranjivin, glucocochlearin, glucojiaputin

Properties :

Guna : guru, ruksha;

Rasa : madhur, lavanna, katu;

Vipaka katu;

Virya : sheeta;

Karma :

Cakusya, vrishya, vistambi , garbadah, varnaya


Indication :

Dah, trishna, slipada, vrana

Skin diseases, cough, cold

Part used :

Whole plant

Dosage :

Leaf juice 10-15 ml

Powder 2-4 g

Decoction 50-100 ml

External uses :

its paste is useful as an analgesic in headache, inflammation and abscess.


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