Botanical Name : Curcuma aromatica Salisb.
Family : Zingiberaceae
Introduction :
Its uses similar to those of Curcuma longa.
Names in different Indian languages :
English : Wild turmeric,Yellow Zedoary,cochin turmeric
Hindi : Ban haridra,jangli haldi
Malayalam : Kasthurimanjal
Sanskrit : Vanaharidra
Tamil : Kasturimanjal, kattumanjal
Telgu : Kasturi pasupu
Morphology :
Tuberous herb, 50 -80 cm height , red – orange colored rhizome.
Leaves – elliptic- lanceolate, boarder than C. longa , petiole long.
Flower – pinkish white, 3 lobed
fruit – globose
Distribution & Habitat :
All over India, cultivated in Kerala
Chemical constituents :
Curdione, cerumol. Curcumol and curdione
Properties :
RASA-katu, tikata
Karma : kushtaghna, vathaghna
antimicrobial, antifungal, anthelmintic
Srotogamitva :
Dosha : vathaghna
Dhatu : raktha
Mala : mutrala
Organ : liver,skin
Indication :
Cough, leucoderma, asthma, bruises and sprains, to skin eruptions and infections
Part used : Rhizome
Dosage : Powder 1-2g
Therapeutic uses :
A decoction is administered in biliary gastritis
Paste useful in insect bite and skin disease