
Botanical Name : Dioscorea alata Linn.

Family : Dioscoreaceae

Introduction :

Latin name : Doiscorides = physician: bulbifera = yielding bulbs or sativa = cultivated

Names in different Indian languages :

English : Wild Yam, Greater Yam,Asiatic Yam

Hindi : Chupri alu, khamalu

Kannada : Tengugenasau, heggenasu

Malayalam : Kachil,kavattu

Sanskrit : Aaluka

Tamil : Perumvalli kizhangu

Telugu : Pendalamu

Folk : Kathaalu

Synonyms :

Vrushti. Varahi, Grushtika, Madhavi. Kanti, Vanamalini. Grushti, Saukari,Kaashthaaluka, Aaluka, Aalukas

Dioscorea atropurpurea Roxb.

Dioscorea globosa Roxb.

Dioscorea purpurea Roxb.

Morphology :

It is a creeper with a slimy stalk having small nodes of about 3 cm. diameter in the angle of the leaf stalk.

Leaves – compound, 6-18 cms. long and 5-12 cms. wide with pointed tips and 9 veins on them. The inflorescence of male flowers is 6 to 12 cms. long and that of female flowers is 12 to 30 cms. long.

Fruits – tri-winged.

Seeds – also winged. Its tuber is used for medicinal purpose. It is grey with thick and long hair like pig’s hair, but looks yellowish white when cut. Bhavaprakash has described another variety named chaniiakaraluk

Distribution & Habitat :

Throughout India

Chemical constituents :

Diosgenin , anthocyanins, cyanidin , peonidin, gentiobioside

Properties :

Guna : laghu, snigdha;

Rasa : katu, tikta, madhur;

Vipaka : katu:

Virya: ushna;

Dosha: tridoshahara

Karma :

Balyam, vrishyam

cholagogue, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, diuretic

Srotogamitva :

Dosha : Kaphavataghna, pittakarak.

Dhatu : Shukra (spermatogènic), rakta (dermatoses), all dhatus (rejuvenator and nutritive).

Mala : Mutra, purisha

Indication :

Prameha, gulma,piles, leucorrhoea,vomiting, dysentery, gout, burning sensation, dyspepsia, cephalgia

Part used : Whole plant

Dosage :

Leaf juice 10-15 ml

Powder 2-4 g

Decoction 50-100 ml

Uses :

External use : Oil heated with tubers is used in sinuses.

Internal uses : Being an appetizer, carminative and anthelmintic. it is used in loss of appetite, colic and worm infestations. It is also used in blood disorders, lymphadenitis, infertility, dermatoses, syphillis and general debility as it acts on rakta, rneda and shukra dhatus.


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