

Botanical Name : Oxalis corniculata linn

Family : Oxalidaceae

Introduction :

The plant oxalis corniculata Linn belongs to the Oxaledaceae  family. Because of its amlarasa the plant is known by the name changeri because of this it acts as rochana.As per some author marselia minuta is the original changeri since chatushpathri  is the common synonym used by all the acharayas.Leaves of marsdia minuta are quadrifoleate  and maybe it is the real source of chatushpathri but not axalis corniculatas.

Changeri is described in the brihathrayi among the vegetable category . but it is found to be extensively used and included in the amlavargadravya’s of Rasashastra  charaka and susrutha  have  high lighted its utility  in grahani  and arshas.

Names in different Indian languages:

English                       :     Indian sorrel, yellow oxalis

Hindi                         :     Thenapathiya

Kannada                    :     Pullampurachi

Malayalam                :     Puliyarila

Tamil                         :     Puliyarai

Telugu                       :     Pulichit

Bengali                      :     Amrul , Amasalasaka, amatute

Punjabi                      :     Khattibutti

Marathi                     :     Ambutti , Ambotti


Amlapathirka, Chathush chatha, Dhantashada, Ambashataka, Kshudra, Chaturparni, Chukra, Lona, Amlakonic, Sunishannachadha, Rajamota, Mota, Amladholica, Lonika, Lola, Chukrika, Ashmantaks, Shaphari, Kushali


Prostrate herbs with creeping stem, rooting at lower nodes. Leaves digitately 3-foliolate; leaflets 0.5-1.5 x 0.6-2 cm, broadly obcordate, base cuneate, apex emarginate; petioles 1.5-3 cm long. Flowers yellow, solitary or in axillary umbels; peduncles 4-10 cm long; pedicels 0.5-1 cm long; bracts 2, 3-4 mm long, linear-lanceolate. Sepals 5, 2-3 mm long, ovate-lanceolate. Petals 5, 5-6 x 3-4 mm, ovate-lanceolate. Stamens 10, in two rows. Ovary 5-celled; ovules many; styles 5, distinct. Capsules 0.8-1.5 x 0.3-0.5 cm, linear, puberulous outside. Seeds many, minute, brown.


Rasa :   Amla, Kashaya
Guna : Laghu, Rooksha
Veerya : Ushna veerya
Vipaka: Amlavipaka
DoshaKarma : kaphavathahara, pithavardhana


Hridya, Shodhaksra, Daha shamaka, Arshogna, Grahi, Deepana, Pachana, Jvaragna

External use:

Analgesic, anti flammation its local application help in in flammation , headache , moles and eye disorders .

Angina pectoris       changeri Kalka applied on chest

Garjooraka            Rock salt mixed with changeri rubble on the spoty of sting

Internal use:


1. Sunni sannaka – changeri ghrta (cha. Chi 1 4/239 -42)

2. Nagaradhi grita  (cha . chi. 14/110- 12)

3. Vegetable of the leaves of thrivrit danthi changeri chitra fried in ghee and oil and mixed with curd should be given ( cha, chi, 14/ 122)

4. Proplapse of rectum – changeri grita (cha. Chi. 19/143)

5. Athisara    –

6. Changeri grita

7. Kada  (Adultary preparation) made of changeri chukrika dughadikawith fatty layer of curd, ghee and pomegranate seeds shouls be used (Su chi. 8/131)

8. Insanity     –   changeri leaves and sour gruel and jiggery in equal quantity  should churneel together it controls insanity with in three days

9. IVS (irritable bowel syndrome ) –     changeri gritha with thakara

Parts used:

Panchangas and leaves


Swarasa – 1-2  thola (6 – 12 gms)


Changeri ghritha

Nagaradhi ghritha

Sunshinaka changeri ghrita

Changeriyadi choorna

Hindi »