Extra Curricular Activity

AYURGRAMA 2.0 – 2024

Ayurgrama -The students of Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh, participated in Ayurgrama as Team Dhatri. With unwavering support from the college, Team Dhatri made the collective decision to enroll in Ayurgrama, a nationwide competition organized by AAPTAS Ayurveda in association with Vishva Ayurveda Parishad on the auspicious occasion of Charaka Jayanti. The initiative aimed to promote Ayurveda awareness at the grassroots level of Bharata, the land from which Ayurveda originated. The efforts were driven by the powerful theme and slogan, “Charaka for Change,” embodying the dream of Ayurbharata.

The journey began with the challenging task of fundraising through sponsorships. With detailed planning and guidance from the coordinator (Dr Avtar Singh Chauhan, Asst Professor, Department of Panchakarma) , Principal ( Dr Ramdas Maganti), and faculty members, Team Dhatri was fully prepared to undertake a seven-day camp in the village of Rattewali, Panchkula, Haryana. Throughout the camp, a range of activities were conducted to spread Ayurveda knowledge among the villagers. These included skits, school sessions, nukkad talks, audiovisual presentations, speeches by eminent Vaidyas, tree plantation drives, extensive surveys, Pathya Kalpana demonstrations, quizzes, competitions, a successful OPD, and free medicine distribution.

Project Report

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