Botanical Name: Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) Loud.

Family : Pinaceae

Introduction :

It is an Stanya sodhana & Anuvasanopaga drug.

Scientific classification: Cedar trees belong to the family Pinaceae. The cedar of Lebanon is classified as Cedrus libani, the Cyprus cedar as Cedrus brevifolia, the Atlas cedar as Cedrus atlantica, and the deodar as Cedrus deodara. North American conifers called cedars belong to the family Cupressaceae: the white cedar is classified as Chamaecyparis thyoides, the western cedar as Thuja plicata, the eastern white cedar as Thuja occidentalis, and the eastern red cedar as Juniperus virginiana. Spanish or West Indian cedar is classified as Cedrela odorata of the family Meliaceae.

Synonyms :

Suradruma, Suradaaru, Devakaashtha, Devadruma, Saptapatrika, Daaru, Bhadradaaru, Amarataru, Amaradaaru, Daaruka, Devaahvaa, Surataru, Surabhuruha.

Cedrus  libani Barrel. var. deodara Hook. F

Morphology :

It is ever green tree growing upto 80 m. with a brood trunk.

Leaves- slender, dark green with wavy margins.

Bark thick and fissured at places. Wood oily, aromatic; sapwood white and heartwood light yellowish-brown or brown.

Distribution :

Occurs in north-,west Himalayas from Kashmir to Garhwal. Forests of Deodar found in Kashmir, Kulu, Chamba, Tehri-Garhwal, Simla, Chakrata, Almora and Mussoorie hill stations

Habitat At the height of 2000 to 3000 meters in Himalayas

Chemical composition It contains dark colored oil and resin.

Essential oil from wood : methylacetophenone, atlantone, sesquiterpenes himoèhalene, himachalol

stem bark deodarin, toxifolin.

Properties :

Rasa Tikta, Katu,Kashãya

Guna Rüksa, Laghu

Virya Ushna

Vipãka Katu

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