
Botanical Name : Woodfordia fruticosa Kurz.

Family : Lythraceae

Introduction :

 It is one of the most  important  fermenting agents in Ayurveda. It used for Atisãra & anti-diarrhoeal, Visarpa ,Visa.Loosestrifes make up the family Lythraceae. The crape myrtle is classified as Lagerstroemia indica, the henna as Lawsonia inermis, the water willow as Decodon verticillatus. The typical loosestrife genus is Lythrum. The purple loosestrife is classified as Lythrum salicarial, the hyssop loosestrife as Lythrum hyssopifolia. Loosestrifes of the genus Lysimachia belong to the family Primulaceae.

Names in different Indian languages :

English : Fire-flame Bush,Shiranjitea

Hindi : Davi,tavi,dhay

Kannada : Bela,tamrapuspi

Malayalam : Tatiri,tairippu

Sanskrit : Dhaataki,mandaniyahetu

Tamil : Velakkai,dhattari,jargi

Telugu : Dhataki,jargi,serinji

Synonyms :

Dhaatri, Kunjaraa, Taamrapushpi, Bahupushpi,Vahnijwaalaa

Woodfordia floribunda Salisb.

Lythrum fruiticosum Linn.

Classification according to Charaka, Susrutha & Vagbhata :

Charaka : Purisasangrahaniya, Mutravirajaniya, Sandhãniya

Susrutha : Priyangvadi, Ambastãdi

Vagbhata : Priyangvadi, Ambastãdi

Morphology :

It is a bushy shrub, with long, spreading branches, pubescent, young branchlets attaining a height about 4-6 m.

Leaves- simple, Opposite, grey- pubescent beneath, ovate or linear- lanceolate, acute sub coriaceous  with granular dots on the undersurface.

Flowers- numerous, scarlet, showy, tubular or slender pedicels dilated above, borne in axillary clusters-paniculate.

Fruits- capsules, ellipsoid, membranous, included in the calyx. Seeds cuneate-obovate, smooth.

(Flowers in Feb.-April and fruits in April-June).

Distribution & Habitat :

Found throughout India

Chemical constituents :

woodferdins A,B, & C, lawsone, betulin , ellagic acid, polystachoside, myricetin-3-galactoside, octacosanol, chrysophanol-6-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside , beta-sitosterol. Hecogenin, mesoinositol , Oenothein A and B

Properties :

Rasa- Kasãya

Guna- Laghu, Rüksa


Vipãka Katu

Karma :

Kapha-pitta hara, Madakãri,

Purifies blood, heals ulcers, astringent, haemetemesis, ,constipating, sedative

Indication :

Trsnã,Atisãra,Raktapitta, Krmi, Visarpa, Pradara,erysipelas, diarrhoea, haemorrhages, ulcerations, dysentery, diarrhoea, menorrhagia, leucorrhoea.

Part used : Flowers

Dosage :

Powder 2-4 g

(in preparation like arista as described by text books)

External uses :

Being refrigerant, haemostatic, wound healer. powdered Dower is sprinkled externally over bleeds and wounds. powdered flower is rubbed over gums to prevent teething problems and the juice is used for massage in headache induced by pitta

Internal uses :

Digestive system : It has astringent properties useful in chronic diarrhoea and dysentery. Flower is useful in haemorrhoids

Circulatory system : It has binding and alleviating properly. hence useful in bleeding disorders.

Powder of the flowers is used in heart diseases.

Urinary system : Vitiation of pitta leads to discoloration of urine like dark yellow, red and bluer

The flowers cure such disorders and also used in prameha caused by pitta

Reproductive system : Useful in per vaginal discharges. In menorrhagia or Leucorrhoea, it is given  either with rice water or honey or in the form of jam. –

Skin : Kushthaghna, used in erysipelas and other skin disordered

Temperature : Febrifuge. mainly fever caused by pitta dosha. In Konkan region. patient suffering from pittajwar (fever caused by pitta dosha) is asked to hold sesame oil in his mouth and juice of these leaves is applied on the head. This procedure changes the colour of oil to yellow and then the oil should be spitted out Again fresh oil is held in the mouth This procedure is done twice or thrice till oil retains its original colour which indicates the purification of pita dosha.

Important Yogas or Formations :

Dhatakyedi chuma, Dhataki taila. flowers are mainly used in preparing medicines. These flowers are used in making nearly 95% asavas and arishtas for fermentation and as a dyeing agent Dhatakyãdi taila, Dhatakyadi churna, Pusyãnuga cürna, Brhat Gahgadhara curna, Araviñdãsava. 

Therapeutic Uses :

(1) Svetapradara- Dhãtaki powder shall be given with honey (V.M).

(2) Prajasthapana- Nilotpala and Dhtaki are, mixed and taken with honey in the morning during the Rtukala (period of ou vlation)-( G .N).

(3) Pittäbhisyañda- The powder or juice of Dhãtaki and Candana are mixed with breast milk and applied as Añjana(S.S.Ut. 10).

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