Botanical Name : Ruta graveolens Linn.
Family : Rutaceae
Introduction :
Rutaceae (Rue-like).
Latin name : Ruta = rue – from the Latin word rus = flow: graveolens = herb of grace (of strong or rank odour). This plant emits odour even on sprinkling water on it.
Names in different Indian languages :
English: Garden Rue,commom rue
Hindi: Pismaram,sadab,satari
Kannada: Sadabu, nagadali soppu
Malayalam: Aruta, Nagatali
Sanskrit: Gucchapatra
Tamil: Aruvada,Arvada
Telugu: Sadapa,Aruvada
Varieties & adulterants – (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants
Ruta chalepensis Linn.
Morphology :
This shrub belonging to jambir kula grows 3-6 cms high.
Leaves – thin, small, bitter, astringent and foul smelling, Flowers – small, yellowish in colour.
Fruits- tripartite with three seeds differentiated
Distribution & Habitat :
Native to Mediterranean region; cultivated all over India
Chemical constituents :
undecanone ,nonanone,-nonyl acetate, psoralen ,bergapten , xanthotoxin,rutin
Properties :
Rasa: kashaya;
Guna: laghu, ruksha, tikshna
Virya : Usna
Vipaka: katu
Karma : vishapaha
antispasmodic, stomachic; irritant, abortifacient
Srotogamitva :
Dosha: Kaphaghna, vataghna, pittak
Dhatu: Rasa (amenorrhoea), majja (tetanus – vala diseases).
Mala: Mutra, sweda, purisha (helminthiasis).
Organs: .Reparatory system, alimentary system (flatulence).
Prabhav: Antitoxic – snake and scropion bites.
External Use: Local application is antibacterial. It is effective in earache, otorrhoea and vata diseases, also useful in snake and scorpion bite.
Internal use: It is useful in tetanus and epilepsy (especially useful in women and children in the form of decoction).
Respiratory system: In children it is used br chronic cold and cough.
Digestive system: Useful in flatulence, abdominal colic, and intestinal worms
Urogenital system: In women, it is useful in conditions like obstructed labour, amenorrhoea, renalfailure, skin conditions etc.
amenorrhoea, menorrhoea , colic, sciatica, headache,
Part used:
Whole plant, oil
Leaf juice 10-15 ml
Powder 2-4 g
Decoction 50-100 ml