
Botanical Name : Desmodium triflorum (Linn.) DC.

Family : Fabaceae                                 

Introduction :

This plant is a good hair tonic, recently researches shows that it have significant role in improving health in HIV patients. 

Names in different Indian languages :

English : Three flower ticktrefoil

Hindi : Kudaliya

Kannada : Muntamundu

Malayalam : Nilamparanta

Sanskrit :  Tripaadi, Hamsapaadi (Kerala)

Tamil  : Seruppadi

Telugu : Muntamandu

Folk : Jangali Methi,Ran-methi.

 Morphology :

Perennial prostrate herb, roots at nodes

 Leaves – trifoliate, small, leaflets – obovate

Flowers – pink

Fruit – pod

Distribution & Habitat :

All over India

Chemical constituents :

 beta-phenylethyl amine, tyramine , hypaphorine, Hypaphorine

 Properties :

RASA-kashaya, madhura

GUNA- guru



Karma –vishahara,  vranaropana,

Diuretic, cooling, expectorant , galactagogue, pitha hara

Srotogamitva :

Dosha : pithahara

 Dhatu :raktha

 Mala :mutrala

Organ : liver, kidney

 Indication :

wounds and abscesses, cough, sores, erysipelas, flatulence, bronchitis

 Part used :

 Whole plant

 Dosage : 

1-2 g

Internal uses : 

Respiratory system:

Useful in cough and asthma

 Urinary system:


Therapeutic Uses :

Fresh leaves—used internally as galactagogue and for diarrhoea;

applied externally to wounds and abscesses. Root— diuretic.

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