
Botanical Name : Acalypha indica Linn

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Introduction :

This plant grow like weed, all over india.it is bitter acrid,expectorant, purgative.

Names in different Indian languages :

English : Indian Acalypha.

Hindi : kupikhokli

Kannada : kuppigida

Malayalam : kuppameni

Sanskrit : haritamanjari

Tamil : Kuppaimeni,kuppaveni

Telugu : Kuppicettu,kuppinta,muripindi

Synonyms :

Kuppi, Muktavarchaa, Haritamanjari

Varieties & adulterants – (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants) :

Acalypha wilkesiana

Morphology :

Annual herb 20 -30 cm long petioled,

Leaves- long serrate and ovate, glabrous

Flower- greenish white, spike, male and female flowers separate but same spike. Flowers are sessile, sterile flowers also present

Fruit – capsule

Seeds- ovoid and smooth.

Distribution & Habitat :

Occurs throughout the India upto 1600 m high,

Chemical constituents :

Kaempferol,acalyphamide,quinone, sterols, cyanogenic glycoside

Properties :

Karma – kasaghna, jwarahara, karna shoolaghna

Internal uses :

Digestive system:Purgative, GI irritant

Respiratory system:Expectorant , useful in bronchitis

Urinary system:diuretic

Reproductive system:

Skin:Skin disease , useful in ulcer

Srotogamitva :

Dosha : pitha hara

Dhatu :rasa,raktha

Mala :mutrala

Organ : liver

Indication :

Antibacterial (leaf used in scabies). Plant—emetic, expectorant (used in bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia). Tincture of fresh plant is used in homoeopathy for incipient phthisis with bloody expectorations, emaciation and arterial haemorrhage.

Otalgia,crops, skin disease

Part used :

Leaves , root

Dosage :

1-2 gm.


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