
Botanical Name : Picrorhiza kurroa

Family : Scrophulariaceae


“Katuki” is a Sanskrit term meaning “bitter.” It is a valuable herb commonly used in Ayurvedic treatments and belongs to the Plantaginaceae family.

Names in different languages

Sanskrit name – Katuki, Katurohini, Katvi, Katumbhra, Thiktha, Ashokarohini, Arishta, Chaakrangi

English Name – Picrorrhiza, Hellebore, Yellow gentian

Hindi Name – Kutki, Katuka

Gujarati Name – Kadu, Katu

Bengali Name – Katuki, Katki

Malayalam name – Kadugurohini

Punjabi Name – Kaundd, Kaud, Karru


Katuki is a perennial herb with a long, greyish-brown rhizome, 2.5 to 12 cm in length and 0.3 to 1 cm thick, featuring furrows and root scars. The rhizome has vascular bundles of xylem and phloem, with buds at the tips enclosed by leaf crowns. Leaves are alternate, 5 to 10 cm long, and the plant has terminal spikes. Flowers are pale blue-white, with a five-part calyx and a bilobate corolla. Flowering occurs from June to August, and the fruit is a 12 mm capsule that splits into four valves. Seeds are numerous, ellipsoid, with a thick coat. Roots are tubular, curved, and linked to the rhizome.

Distribution and habitat

Himalayas region like from Garwal to Bhutan and Kashmir to Sikkim, Pakistan, Tibet, west of China and north Burma.

Chemical constituents 

d-mannitol, kutkiol, kutkisterol, apocyanin.


Tikta rasa, Laghu, Ruksha guna, Sheeta veerya, Katu vipaka. It balances Kapha and Pitta dosas; bhedani, deepana, Hridya.


Prameha, Swash, Kasa, Kustha, Krimi.

Part used



0.5-1 g


Root powder mixed with honey given to treat upper respiratory infections.

Equal quantity of katuki and haridra treats Prameha.

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