

Botanical Name : Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban.

Family : Umbelliferae;Apiaceae

Introduction :

The controversy on Brãhmi and Mandükaparni is never ending. both used as brain tonic. Usually South Indians Bacopa as brahmi, North Indians using Centella asiatica

Names in different Indian languages :

English : Asiatic Pennywort, Indian Pennywort.

Hindi : Bramhmamnduki, bemgsag

Kannada : Urage,vondelaga

Malayalam : Muttil,kutannal, kutakan

Sanskrit : Mandukaparni, manduki,brahmi

Tamil : Vallarai

Telugu : Brahmi,saraswataku

Synonyms :

Manduukaparni, Manduukaparnikaa, Maanduuki, Saraswati, Brahma-manduuk

 Hydrocotyle asiatica Linn.

Classification according to Charaka, Susrutha & Vagbhata :

Charaka : Prajasthaapana

 Morphology :

A creeping perennial herb, rooted nodes

Leaves – simple, long petiole, cordate-reniform

Flower –pink, umbel

Distribution & Habitat :

All over India

Chemical composition :

brahmoside, asiaticoside,  thankuniside, hydrocotyline, vellarin

Properties :

Rasa Tikta, katu

Guna Laghu

Virya sita

Vipaka Madhura

Karma : Kapha-pitta hara, Medhya, Rasãyana , kandughna,arsoghna, vranahara, kanda sothana

Central nervous system relaxant, peripheral vasodilator, sedative, antibiotic, detoxifier, blood-purifier,  cooling, laxative, intellect promoting, anodyne, carminative, digestive, anti inflammatory, depurative, bronchodilator, diuretic, cardiotonic, febrifuge

Srotogamitva :

Dosha : Vataghna, pittaghna, kaphaghna, tridoshanashak

Dhatu: Meda (demulcent). strengthens all seven dhatus (anaemia, urinary disorders).

Mala : Urine (diuretic), keshya (hair growth).

Prabhava : Antidote.

Indication :

Apasmãra, Prameha, Kustha, Pandu, Prameha, Sotha, Jvara, Kãsa,gulma

Neuralgia, epilepsy, insanity, insomnia, dementia,  tumors, ulcers, splenomegaly, ascites, constipation, sterility

Parts used :

Whole plant

Dosage :

Fresh juice 10-20 ml

Internal uses :

Nervous system: Brahmi is a valuable plant for brain and entire nervous system. Mania and epilepsy are two conditions which require brahmi. It also helps in depression and mental retardation. by enhancing intelligence.

Digestive system: Brahmi is slightly astringent and hence useful in diarrhea. Brahmi may suppress appetite, hence deepan medicines should be given along with it.

Respiratory system : Specially in children, for cold and cough. 1 teaspoonful of brahmi juice is given to induce vomiting and gives relief. When hoarseness of voice results from excessive talking, pills made from the leaves of brahmi. vasa, pippali. haritaki and vacha are chewed which gives relief.

Important Yogas or Formulations :

Brahmi prash: Saraswatarishta, Brahmighmta, Brahmitaila. Brãhmi rasãyana, Brãhmighrta

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