Botanical Name : Bergenia ligulata (Wall.) Engl.
Family : Saxifragaceae
Introduction :
Latin name : Bergenia = after the name of K.A. Von Bergen, German Botanist; ligulata = straplike or Colus aromaticus.
Names in different Indian languages :
English :
Hindi : Pashanbethi
Kannada : Pashanbethi
Malayalam : Pashanbethi
Sanskrit : Paashaanabheda
Tamil : Pashanbethi
Telugu : Pashanbethi
Unani :
Synonyms :
Paashaanabheda, Ashmaribhedikaa, Ashmaribhit, Ashmghna, Shilaabhit, Shilaabheda
Bergenia ciliata Sternb.
Saxifraga ligulata Wall
Varieties & adulterants – (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants) :
Aerva lanata Juss – CV
strachey -CV
Morphology :
This small herb survives for many years and is found in hilly and rocky regions. Its stalk emerges from the cracks in the rocks.
Root is 2.5 cm. thick and red in colour.
Leaves- round. 7.5 to 12.5 cm. in diameter, fleshy, dentate, greenish on the upper surface and reddish on the lower surface,
flowers – whitish, brownish or bluish.
Distribution & Habitat :
Himalayas at the height of 2 thousand mtrs
Chemical constituents :
bergenin, gallic acid, glucose , tannins , mucilage , wax, C-glycoside,beta-sitosterol
Properties :
Rasa : kashaya. tikta.
Guna : laghu, snigdha,
Virya : sheeta
Vipaka : katu
Prabhava : ashmarighna (lithotripsic):
Dosha : tridoshashamak.
Karma –
antiscorbutic, cardio toxic, astringent, spasmolytic, antidiarrhoeal
Srotogamitva :
Dosha: Tridoshaghna.
Dhatu: Rakta (bleeding disorders. splenomegaly. menorrhagia), raktamansa (wound healing). rasa (dysmenorrhoea), asthi (teething problems).
Mala : Mutra (urinary calculi).
Prabhava : Lithotripsic.
Organ : Urinary bladder, heart, uterus
Indication :
dysuria, spleen enlargement, cough, menorrhagia, urinary tract infections
Part used :
Whole plant
Dosage :
Leaf juice 10-15 ml
Powder 2-4 g
Decoction 50-100 ml
External uses : It is anti-inflammatory. wound healing, hemostatic, cardio tonic, antipyretic and antitoxic, Its local application is useful in conjunctivitis. In teething problems, it is rubbed with honey on the gums.
Internal uses : It is used in diarrhoea, dysentery. tumours. piles, splenomegaly, heart diseases, bleeding disorders, cough, leucorrhoea, menorshagia and dysmenorrhoea. But it is especially useful in urinary calculi and dysuria. It is also useful in turbidity of urine. It is an antidote to morphine.