Botanical Name : Wedelia chinensis (Osbeck) Merrill
Family : Compositae; Asteraceae
Introduction :
Mainly using in siddha
Morphology :
A perennial herb grows up to 40-60 cm height
Leaves-simple, opposite, linear-oblong , hairy
Flower – yellow, axillary
Distribution & Habitat :
All over India, waste lands
Chemical constituents :
oleanolic acid, saponins, coumestans, wedelolactone, demethyl wedelolactone
Properties :
RASA-katu,tikta, kashaya
Karma –kesya, mutrala, sveda janana, hridya, vrishya
Cardio tonic, anti inflammatory, diuretic, thermogenic
Srotogamitva :
Dosha : kapha vataghna
Dhatu :raktha
Mala :mutrala
Organ : liver
Indication : Karnamaya, mutrakrichra, pandu, krimi
Ulcer, otalgia, liver and spleen disorder, hair fall, fever, general weakness, greyness of hair.
Part used :
Whole plant