Botanical Name : Uraria picta
Family : Fabaceae
Distribution :
Uraria picta is not a very common species, but occurs throughout tropical India, extending up to 300 m altitude in Tarai region of the Himalayas.
Morphological characteristics :
Dabra is an erect, undershrub, 60–75 cm tall, with several branches.
Leaves are generally three to five in number, up to nine-foliate.
Leaflets are imparipinnate, linear–oblong, obtuse, mucronate at apex, white clouded above and pubescent below.
Floral characteristics :
Purple flowers occur in dense, cylindrical racemes with bracts; calyx teeth are lanceolate and the corolla is papilionaceous.
Pod (fruit) has three to six joints. Flowering occurs from July to September, while fruits mature in December–January.
Therapeutic uses :
1) The Uraria species is useful in quick healing of bone fractures.
2) It is used as a cardio and nervine tonic and has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and diuretic properties.
3) The root of the plant is one of the ingredients of ‘dasamoola’ in Ayurveda.
4) Uraria picta is prescribed for cough, chills and fevers.
5) The leaves are well thought-out antiseptic and utilized in gonorrhea.
6) The roots and pods are utilized to treat prolapse of anus in infants; the pods are employed for the treatment of sore-mouth in kids.
7)It’s used for the treatment of urinary diseases, tumors, edema, burning sensation and issue in respiration.
8) Its paste, mixed with water, is employed as a remedy for snake bite .
9) It’s a well-recognized ayurvedic drug of Indian system of medicines used for treating general fatigue, antioxidant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory like medical conditions