
Botanical Name : Vernonia cinerea (Linn)Less.

Family : Compositae; Asteraceae.

Introduction :

This plant used for ‘Anjanam’

Latin name: Vernonia = of the spring: cineria = cinder coloured

Names in different Indian languages :

English : Ash coloured Fleabane, Purple Fleabane.

Hindi : Sahadevyi, sadodi

Kannada : Sahadevyi, sadodi

Malayalam : puvamkurunnila

Sanskrit : Sahadevi

Tamil : Naichotte Poonde, puvamkuruntil, naycitti

Telugu : Gharitikamini, garitikamma.

Synonyms :

Uttamkanyaka, jwara hara, Dandotpalaa,

Morphology :

This herb grows 15 -30 cms. in high. Stalk is thin, with sharp borders and bristly hairs.

Leaves –simple,  different sizes with bristly hair on them and absence of stalk. Flowers blue. purple, appear in rainy season.

Fruits – in winter.

Varieties : Two – I) white flowers and 2) blue flowers.

Distribution & Habitat :

All over India.

Chemical constituents :

luteolin-7-monobeta- D-glucopyranoside, betaamyrin, acetate, lupeol acetate, betaamyrin ,  lupeol

Properties :

Guna: laghu, ruksha, katu;


Virya: ushna;

Vipaka : Katu

Prabhav: jwaraghna (antipyretic).

Karma : jwarahara, netrya

diaphoretic, blood purifier, anti fungal, anti bacterial, diuretic , anthelmintic, antiflatulent, antispasmodic;

Indication :

leucorrhoea, dysuria, spasm of  bladder,  dysuria, leucoderma, psoriasis, cough, skin disease

Part used :

Whole plant

Dosage :

Leaf juice 10-15 ml

Powder 2-4 g

Decoction 50-100 ml

Externally, it is used in quaternary fever by tying its root with scalp hair and rubbing its juice on the skin. Paste of the leaves is applied on conjunctivitis and guinea worm. Its laxative, anthelmintic, blood purifying and diaphoretic properties make it useful in piles, intestinal worms, blood disorders, skin diseases, fever and renal calculi. Insects do not stay around this plant.

Therapeutic Uses : Decoction useful in fever.

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