

Botanical Name: Asparagus racemosus

Family: Asparagaceae


Satãvari is extensively used for its tonic, immunomodulatory, ghrata etc.

Scientific classification: Asparagus belong to the family Liliaceae. The parent of most varieties cultivated for food is classified as Asparagus officinalis. The asparagus fern, or florist’s fern, is classified as Asparagus setaceus, the two other species with delicate, lacy foliage are classified as Asparagus densiflorus cultivar sprengeri and Asparagus asparagoides.

Names in different Indian languages:

English : Indian asparagus

Hindi : Satavar,satamuli

Kannada : Callagadda

Malayalam : Satavari,satavali

Sanskrit : Satavari,abhiru

Tamil : Kilavari,satavali,Thanneervittan kizhangu

Telugu : Satavari,callagadda

Unani : Sataavar


Shatmuuli, Atirasaa, Bahusutaa, Shatpadi, Shatviryaa, Bhiru, Indivari


A tall climbing undershrub with annual woody terete stems. Spines 5-10 mm long, recurved. Cladodes 1.2-2.5 cm long, in tufts of 2-6, curved,

Flowers— white, fragrant, in solitary or fascicled, simple or branched racemes 2.5-5 cm long.

Fruit— berry, 5-6 mm diameter, red


Rasa: Madhura, Tikta

Virya: Sita

Guna: Guru, Snigdha

Vipaka: Madhura

Karma: Rasãyana, Vrsya, Stanyajanana, hridya,balya,

Diuretic, constipating, carminarive, nervine and uterine tonic


Stanya ksaya, Artava ksaya, Rakta pitta, Arsas, Atisãra, Grahani, Ksaya, Gulma.

gout, puerperal diseases, lactic disorders, haematuria, bleeding disorders, leucorrhoea, epilepsy, abortion, piles

Part Used:

Tuberous roots


Fresh juice 10-20 ml; decoction 50-100 ml

powder 3-5 g

Important Yogas or Formulations:

satävari guda, satãvari lehya, Narayana tailam, satãvari ghrtam, Narayana taila.

Important research work  going on:

1. action on the mammary gland.

2.  anti-cancer activity

3.   hypoglycemic effect

Therapeutic Uses:

(1) Atisãra— satãvari paste is taken with milk and the diet should consist of milk alone after wards

(2) Kãsa— Ghee, prepared with satãvari and Nagabala is useful (S.S.Ut. 52).

(3) Stanya Ksaya— satãvari root is grinded with milk and taken (Y.R.)

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