
Botanical Name : Annona squamosa Linn.

Family : Annonaceae

Introduction :

Latin name: annona = word from native name; squamosa = scaly.

Names in different Indian languages :

English : Custard Apple, Sugar Apple, Sweet-sop.

Hindi : Sitaphal

Kannada : Sitaphala

Malayalam : Sitaphalam, attachaka

Sanskrit : Sitaphalam

Tamil : Sitaaphalam, Atta

Telugu : Sitappalam

Unani : Sharifaa

Synonyms :

Gandagaatra, Sitaa phala

Varieties & adulterants – (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants) :

Curcurbita maxima – cv

Annona glabra

Morphology :

This tree grows 3 to 8 mts. high and is well known to all Indians. (Its origin is in South America).

Leaves – 6-9 cms. simple, opposite, lanceolate.

Flowers – 3 cms. long and always with three petals.

Fruit – fleshy and contains multiple oblong seeds. Surface of the fruit shows round blebs.

Annona reticulata (Ramphala) belongs to the same family but is smooth externally.   

Distribution & Habitat :

A native to South America and theWest Indies; now cultivated throughout India

Chemical constituents :

Quinoline, Squamone ,  bullatacinone

Properties :

Rasa: Madhura:

Guna: laghu. snigdha;

Virya :sheeta:

Vipaka: madhur;

Dosha: vatapittashamak and kaphakarak.

Karma :

Tarpanam, raktakrit, hridyam

Abortifacient, purgative, invigorating, sedative to heart, antibilious, antiemetic, expectorant.

Indication :


fever, skin disease, cough, piles, leucorrhoea,vomiting, dysentery,gout, burning sensation, dyspepsia, cephalgia, worm infection

Part used :

Bark, leaf, fruit

Dosage :

Leaf juice 10-15 ml

Powder 2-4 g

Decoction 50-100 ml

Uses :

Leaves and seeds are antihelmintic and anti-inflammations. Paste of leaves is used to eradicate lice from the scalp. Fruit is useful in bleeding disorders. dysuria. pyrexia. burning sensation, sexual debility and thirst. Ripe fruit is laxative.

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