
Botanical Name : Amorphophallus campanulatus (Roxb.) Blume ex Decne.

Family : Araceae

Introduction :

Latin name: Amorphophallus = A= not, morphus = shape, phallus = sword guard; campanulatus = bell shaped or Arum carnpaeiulatum

Names in different Indian languages :

English : Elephant-foot Yam

Hindi : Suran, jamikand

Kannada : Suvarnagadda

Malayalam : Chena

Sanskrit : Suurana

Tamil : Chenaikkizhangu.Kaathukarunai

Synonyms :

Suurana, Kanduula, Arshoghna, Kand-ayak, Kandala, Kandarha, Suvritta, Vatari, Kandasuran, Sthulkandak, Tivrakandak, Ruchyakanda

Varieties & adulterants – (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants) :

Varieties: There are two varieties viz. 1) cultivated and 2) wild (A. sylvalicus) or madanmasta The latter variety grows in the forests on its own. White and brownish are the other two varieties. Among these two, brownish is used in medicine, the other variety is used as a vegetable for consumption. It is considered to be the best amongst the vegetables of the kanda variety.

Morphology :

This is a shrub with a life span of one year but the tuber remains under the soil for a longer period. It grows to a height of 30-60 cms. It bears many white raised germinating spots.

Tuber – centrally depressed, having a diameter of 18 – 30 cms., hemispherical, bearing umbrella-type leaves, tripartate in the begining with tips showing faint greenish colour.

Flowers – homosexual, stamen is of brown colour.

Fruit – red coloured containing 2-3 seeds. Flowering occurs in rainy season followed by fruiting.

Distribution & Habitat :

All over India.

Chemical constituents :

It contains calcium oxalate. It causes itching which is seen more with the use of the wild variety. amylase, betulinic acid, tricontane, lupeol, stigmasterol, betasitosterol ,palmitate and glucose, galactose, rhamnose, xylose

Properties :


Guna: laghu. ruksha. tikshna:

Vipaka: katu;

Virya: ushna;

Prabhav: arshoghna;


 Karma –

Arsoghna, balya, ruchya,

carminative, digestive,astingent,bitter, aphrodisiac, decreses lipid cholestrol level, liver tonic

Srotogamitva :

Dosha: Vataghna, kaphaghna, pittavardhak.

Dhatu: Rakta (hepatosplenomegaly). shukra (aphrodisiac), meda.

Mala: Purisha (constipative but useful in piles).

Organs: The entire digestive system.

Indication :

Arsas, gulma, svasa,kasa,fever, skin disease, cough, piles, leucorrhoea,vomiting, dysentery,gout, burning sensation, anaemia , seminal weakness

Suran is contraindicated in bleeding disorders and skin disorders because of its ushna property. To overcome its adverse effects, butter milk, lemon juice and tamarind should be used.

Part used : Rhizome

Dosage : Powder 2-4 g

Uses : In inflammed joints and elephantiasis, it is applied locally by mixing with honey. Internal use : Since it is appetizer, digestive, hepatostimulant. laxative, analgesic, anti haemorrhoidal and anthelmintic. it is helpful in anorexia, toss of appetite and hepatosplenomegaly. It is used specially in piles caused by vitiation of vatakapha. Besides, ii is also useful in bronchitis, asthma, sterility and ammenorrhoea.

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