
Botanical Name : Oroxylum indicum Vent.

Family : Bignoniaceae

Introduction :

It is one of the important trees included under Dasamula group.

Names in different Indian languages :

Hindi : Sonapatha, syona, arlu, pharkhat

Telugu : Dundilum, pampana

Tamil : palaiyudaycci

English : Indian trumpet tree

Marathi : Tentu

Gujarat : Tentu

Bengali : Sona

Kanada : tattuna

Malayalam : Palakappyani, payyalanta

Sanskrit : Syonakah, tuntukah

Synonyms :

Shoshana, Tuntuka, Kutannata,Madhukparna, Patrorna, Bhalluka, Prthushimba, Nata

Classification according to Charaka, Susrutha & Vagbhata :


sothahara, Sitaprasamana, Anuvãsanopaga


Rodhrãdi, Viratarvãdi, Brhat pancamula


Rodhrãdi, Viratarvãdi

Varieties & adulterants – (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants) :

Calosanthes indica  [AD]

Ailanthus malabarica – CV

Morphology :

A tree about 8-15 m high.

Leaves— Opposite, very large 90 -180 cm, ternately bipinnate; leaflets ovate entire acuminate peduncle, rachis very soft.swollen at the junction of joints.

Flowers— in racemes (25 cm long: approx), foetid; fleshy, reddish purple outside, pale yellow within.

Fruits— Flat capsule, large- linear compressed capsules, septicidally bivalved.

Seeds— discoid thin, wing hyaline and broad.

Flowers and fruits during July-November.

Distribution & Habitat :

Found in the warmer parts of India (upto 1200 m.). Also cultivated, as an avenue tree.

Chemical composition :

Its root bark contains oroxylin. Besides this, one bitter principle, pectin, fats, wax, chlorophyl, astringent principle, citric add. Baicalein, Tetulin, oroxindin, aloe-emodin, Chrysin, 6- methylether of baicalein oroxylium A; p-coumaric acid,.scutellarein-7-rutinoside, prunetin, -sitosterol etc.

Properties :

Rasa Madhura, Tikta, Kasaya

Guna Laghu, Ruksa

Virya Usna

Vipãka Katu

Karma : Kapha-vatahara, Dipana, Grãhi

Digestive, constipative, diuretic, carminative, stomachic, spasmolytic, astringent, antidiarrhoeal

Part Used :

Root bark.

Dosage :

Powder 3-6 g, decoction 50-100 ml

Indications :

Amavãta, Atisãra, Aruci, Kãsa, Basti vikãra, Vataroga, sotha,

dropsy, cough, asthma, anorexia, flatulence, gout, vomiting, rheumatoid arthritis, fever, dysentery.

Important Yogas or Formations :

Shyonak putpak, Brihatpanchamooladi decoction (decoction of bark is not done).  arista, Dasamuladi Kvãtha, syoñaka puapãka, syonãkadi yoga, Mulaka taila, syonaka taila, Himsrãdi yoga.

Important research work going on :

(1) diuretic activity

(2) Spasmogamic action.

(3) action on ADH

Therapeutic Uses :

Nasaroga— Dhuma with satapuspa, Tvak, Balãmüla, syonãka, Eranda, Bilva and Aragvadha mixed with ghee, vasã and bee-wax (A.H.Ut. 20).


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