
Botanical Name : Andropogon muricatus Retz.

Family : Poaceae

Introduction :

This drug is sita Virya, it can cool our body

Scientific classification: Cereals belong to the family Poaceae (formerly Gramineae). Wheat is classified in the genus Triticum, barley in the genus Hordeum, rye in the genus Secale, oats in the genus Avena, rice in the genus Oryza, and corn in the genus Zea. Millet is classified in the genera Setatia, Eleusine, Panicum, and Pennisetum. Durra or Guinea corn is classified in the genera Sorghum or Andropogon.

Synonyms :

Nalada, Amrnãla, Jalavãsa, Samagandhaka, Sevya, Virana, Abhaya, Ranapriya, Virataru, Haripriya, Sugandhamüla,Vetiveria zizanioides (Linn.) Nash.

Classification according to Charaka, Susrutha & Vagbhata :

Charaka : Varnya, Stanyajanana, Chardinigrahana, Dãhaprasamana Angamardaprasamana, sukraodhana, Tiktaskañdha

Susrutha : Sãrivâdi, Pittasamamana, Eladigana

Vagbhata : Sãrivâdi

Varieties & adulterants – (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants) :

1. Kaiyadeva

2. Squarrosus

Morphology :

A herb with rhizomatous roots, aromatic.

Leaf-blades acute at apex, margin scabrid.

Flowers— in grew green or purplish spikelets, panicled. Rachis stout, smooth. Glumes acute. Lemma of lower floret as long as the glumes, acute.

Flowering and fruiting occurs throughout the year.

Distribution & Habitat :

Found along the margins of ponds, ditches, lakes and rivers of tropical India.

Chemical constituents :

vetiselinenol , khusimol, Allokhusiol, benzoic acid, cyclocapacamphene, epikhusinol, epizizanal, 2-epizizanone, beta- eudesmol, eugenol, isokhusimol,  isokhusinoloxide, isovalencenol, isovalencic acid, isovalesenol,  khusimene, khusimone, khusimyl acetate, khusinodiol, khusinol, khusitoneol, laevojujenol, levojunenol, vanillin, vertiselinenol, beta-& j-vetivene, vetivenic acid, vetiverol, zizaene, zizanol etc.

Properties :

Rasa Tikta, Madhura

Guna Ruksa, Laghu

Virya sita

Vipãka Katu

Karma – Kapha-pittahara, Pãcana, Stambhana

refrigerant,blood purifier, febrifuge, diaphoretic, stimulant, stomachic and emmenagogue

Indications— jwavara, Dãha, Trsnä, Raktapitta, Chardi, Mutrakrcchra, Visarpa, Kustha.colic, fever, flatulence, vomiting

Part Used : Root

Dosage : Powder 3-6 g; decoction 50-100 ml; infusion 25-50 ml

Internal use :

Nervous system : It gives strength to the brain and nerves. It is useful in unconsciousness vertigo and brain disorders.

Digestive system : It gives strength to the stomach. It reduces gastric secretion and hence is useful in acid peptic disease. It is a carminative. appetizer, antidipsetic. antiemetic and astringent It is useful in loss of appetite, indigestion, anorexia, diarrhoea and fever. Fruit of bilva and usheer are given in amoebic dysentery.

Circulatory system: It is a blood purifier  because of tikta dosha. It reduces extra water from blood. it is haemostatic and cardio protective. It is useful in epistaxis. It is used internally as well as externally in diaphoresis.

Respiratory system : It is used in cough. hiccups and bronchial asthma.

Urinary system : It is diuretic due to sheeta property. It is useful in dysuria. Sherhat of thus is given in summer to avoid burning micturation and dysuria.

Skin It is a deodorant, hence useful in skin disorders.

Temperature : It is antipyretic, tikta rasa is always to be best antipyretic. It also controls diaphoresis, It is useful in burning, thirst and temperature associated with fever.

Srotogamitva :

Dosha : Reduces kapha and pitta.

Dhatu: Rasa (antipyretic), rakta (in epistaxis), meda (deodorant).

Mala : Sweda (reduces perspiration), purisha (astringent).

Therapeutic Uses—

(1) sveta Masurikã— The paste of Usira is applied topically in case   of prickly heat (V. D.)

(2) Raktapitta— Usira, Kokilãksa, Lodhra etc., are given in the              form of decoction (C.S.Ci. 4).

(3) Chardi— Usira and Dhanyaka Kalka is given with Canaka water (C.S.Ci. 23).

Important Yogas or Formations :

Usheeradi kwath, Usheeradi churna, Shadangodak. Usirãsava, Usiradicürnam, Usiradi Kvatha, Sadangapãniyam

Important research work  going on :

(1) insect repellant activity

(2) Anti bacterial activity

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