
Botanical Name : Adhatoda vasica Nees.

Family : Acanthaceae

Introduction :

This drug used for the agraya oushada of Rakta pita. It also show action in respiratory system treatment for Ksaya and Kãsa

Names in different Indian languages :

Hindi : Adusa

Telugu : Addasaramu

Tamil : Adutota

English : Malabar Nut

Bengali : Bakas

Punjabi : Vamsa

Marathi : Adulsa

Kanada : Sanna adusoge

Malayalam : Atalodakam, cittaladokam

Unani : Arusaa

Synonyms :

Vaasaa, Vaasaka, Vaasikaa, Simhaasya, Simhaparni, Simhavadanaa, Vaajidanta, Vrisha, Aataruushaka.

Adhatoda zeylanica Medic.

Justicia adhatoda Linn

Classification according to Charaka, Susrutha & Vagbhata :


Tikta skañdha




Varieties & adulterants – (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants) :

1. Ailanthus excelsa  -[AD]

2. A. beddomi

3. Justacia gendarussa  -[CV]

4. Justicia picta  -[CV]

Morphology :

A dense glabrous  shrub up to 0.5 to 1 m.

Leaves— alternate,simple,opposite, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate.

Flowers—white, in dense spikes, white; bracts ovate or obovate; calyx deeply five-lobed; stamens glabrous.

Fruits— four seeded capsules with a solid base.

Seeds— glabrous.

Flowering and fruiting between.February-May.

Distribution & Habitat :

Found throughout India.

Chemical constituents :

aminophylline, isoprenaline,Vasicinone, Vasicine (peganine), vasicinine, beta-sitosterol, Kaempferol, beta- sophoroside, luteolin, tritriaecontane, adhatodic acid, Carotene, vasakin, vasicinol 1 q-hydroxyvasicine, vasicinone, vit-C, vasicol, vasicinol, vasicinolone, adhatodine, adhavasinone, anisotine, vasicolone, vasicolinone

Properties :

Rasa Tikta, Kasäya

Guna Laghu, Ruksa

Virya sita

Vipaka Katu

Karma : Kapha-pittahara, Hrdya, Svarya

expectorant diuretic, antispasmodic, depurative, it is useful in bleeding diarrhoea, cough, asthma.

Indication :

sväsa, Kasa; Jvara; Chardi, Prameha, Kustha, Ksaya, Pãndu, Raktapitta

Part Used :

Leaf, root, flower

Dosage :

Leaf juice 10-20 ml; root decoction 50-100 ml; flower juice 10-20 ml

External uses :

Paste is anti inflammatory , antibacterial & analgesic

Internal use :

Nervous System : Vaso dilation, stimulates vagus nerve and lowers B.P.

Digestive System : Anti diarrhoeal

Circulatory System : Useful in bleeding disorder, vasodialator, blood purifier

Respiratory System : Expectorant useful in asthma

Urinary system : Diuretic


Used in fever

Important Yogas or Formations :

Vãsãkantakãri lehya, Vasavalehya, Vãsärista Vasaghrta, Vãsãdya grhta, Vãsãmüladi taila.

Therapeutic Uses :

(1) Rasãyana— oil prepared with root decoction of Vasã will be useful (S.S.Ci. 28).

(2) Raktapitta— Powder of Vãsa flowers (shade dried) should be given with honey (S.B.M.).

(3) Sthoulya— Vãsã leaf juice is mixed either with Sankha cürna or leaf juice of Bilva will be useful (B.P. & V.M.).

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