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Lakshmi Taru

Botanical Name : Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) Raven.

Family : Onagraceae

Introduction :

Nowadays simarouba plant is very much famous for cancer treatment, it is very much useful in preventing cancer, but in the various stages of cancer its usage will not give to much result, even may worse the condition of cancer.

Simarouba Glauca is a medium sized tree native to Florida in South America. The common name is Paradise tree.This plant not mentioned  in Ayurveda text books. Acharya of Art Of Living , Sri Sri Ravisankar gave this plant a Indian Name ‘lakshmi taru’, his follower did a research work on this plant.   It is called Lakshmi Taru (लक्ष्मी तरु)  in Hindi and Sourga Maram (சொர்க்க மரம்) in Tamil. The name lakshmi taru commonly agreed by most of Indian languages.

The tree grows well in sunny regions and needs no special care.  Simarouba leaves and leaf extracts are used traditionally by native populations in treating various ailments like fever, dysentery, cold etc. The decoction of the leaves is said to raise the natural immunity of the body so well that the patients could fend themselves off from common ailments.

Simarouba Glauca has very good anti-bacterial, anti-tumorous properties. Hence Simarouba is very effective in reducing the size of tumors and secondary infections in cancer patients. It is very effective in curing cancer of first/second stages, whereas in later stages it can considerably increase the quality of life.

Quassinoids (ailanthinone, glaucarubinone, and holacanthone) found in Simarouba has  anti-leukemic (against blood cancer) properties. Glaucarubinone has also  been found to improve mitochondrial metabolism and hence improve energy levels. Early cancer screening performed by the National Cancer Institute in 1976 indicated that an alcohol extract of simarouba had toxic actions against cancer cells at very low dosages (less than 20 mcg/ml). In south america, the leaves and bark of Simarouba are used as a powerful digestive aid. There are two varieties (red and white) of Simarouba. Both of them are equally good in treating cancer.

Preparation of Simarouba Decoction :

Take 3 leaves of Simarouba per 10 kilogram body weight.  For example, if the patient is of weight 60 kilograms the decotion needs to be prepared using 18 leaves.

Clean the Simarouba leaves of any impurities by rinsing in water

Pour 250 ml of water into a stainless steel vessel.  Add the leaves to the water

Boil the mixture in low flame until the water level reaches half the initial volume i.e 125 ml

Cover the vessel using a stainless steel plate and leave it overnight (The decoction needs to be prepared the previous day evening)

Next morning, reheat the decoction and filter using a tea filter or clean cotton cloth. Consume the decoction in empty stomach

Add 250 ml of water to same pieces of leaves and repeat step 4

Cover the vessel using a stainless steel plate and leave it until evening.

Filter the decoction in the evening and consume

Discard the leaves.

Prepare fresh decoction for next day (i.e start from step 1).

Take this decoction daily both in the mornings as well as in the evenings.

Medicinal uses of Simarouba :

Ulcers and bleeding in alimentary system

Gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori

Hyperacidity, Dyspepsia

Amoebiasis, Diarrhoea, Colitis

Chikungunya, H1N1, Herpes, Colds, Hepatitis, Malaria, Fever

Hemorrhage, Anemia, Rheumatoid arthritis

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