
Botanical Name:Abies webbiana

Family:Coniferae (Latin – Conifer, cone = a scaly multiple fruit), pine family. Latin name : Abies = a pine tree; webbi = Mr P. Barkar Webb, a naturalist).


Talaasa of Vedic literature is considered as Talisa by Acharya P. V. Sharma. This tree is considered as the best among the trees.

The drug has been quoted several times in Brihat Trayi and Acharya Susrutha has categorized it as a Sirovirechana dravya. Ashtanga Hridaya has mentioned Talisadi choorna as a polyherbal  formulation in the management of Rajayakshma whereas Acharya Kasyapa has indicated and formulated its external use in paediatric disorders. Nighantus have highlighted its utility in respiratory diseases.

Latin Name: Abies webbiana Lindle/Abbies spectabilis D. Don. Spach.

Synonyms: Shukodar, Arkavedha, Ghanacchada, Neelambar, Dhatripatra, Amalakipatra, Patraadhya, Madhurapatra

Varieties and adulterants:


In Bhavaprakash, in the case of uavailability of the drug, it is mentioned to use Swarna Tali.

And it has been told, in the case of unavailability of Bharngi(Clendendron serratum), Talisapatra can be used as a  substitute.

Other substitutes/adulterants found are Flacourtia catacarphracta Roxb., Taxus baccata Linn., Rhododendron lepidotum D. Don., Rhododendron anthopogon D. Don., Abies pindrow Royale., Pinus wellichiana and Cinnamomum tamala Nees & Ebrem.

Morphology: A huge tree of 60 to 70 mtrs. high with diameter of 10 mtrs. Tender branches are small, grey and hairy. Leaves – 3 to 6 cms. long with bent tips and tips have two spines. Dorsally leaves are slimy while ventrally it has long medial line. Leaves arise like spring form the stem. Fruit – 16cm. long, oblong, violet or green. Seeds – winged and 2-3 cms. long. This plant is known by three different names, out of which thuner is a poisonous plant.

Distribution and Habitat: In Bhutan, Afghanisthan and Baluchistan, at the height of 3000 – 5000 mtrs.

Chemical Constituents: Leaves contain taxin and volatile oil apart from Abiesin, n-triacontanol, beta sitosterol and Betuloside


Guna:Laghu tikshna

Rasa: Tikta madhura



Karma:Kaphavatasamaka, Hridya, Deepana




Mala:Mutravaha srotas


Indications:Swasa, Kasa, Mukharoga, Kshaya, Chardhi, Aruchi, Agnimandhya, Gulma, Raktapitta, Hikka

Parts used:Leaves


Leaf powder:1/2-1 gm


External uses: Analgesic

Internal uses: Being an appetizer and carminative, it is used in anorexia, loss of appetite and flatulence. By virtue of its tikta katu rasa, tikshna and ushna properties, it is useful in cough, asthma, hoarseness of voice and tuberculosis. As it is a diuretic, it is useful in inflammation of urinary tract and dysuria. It is also used in fever due to vitiated vata and kapha, chest pain, general debility and pthisis.

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